The International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA) is a world leader in veterinary assessments. Our tests, including the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE), are administered in over 60 countries. At ICVA we collaborate with stakeholders* in academia, licensing boards and practicing veterinarians to ensure our tools can effectively assess the knowledge and skills required for veterinary practice. Our passion for developing high-quality products strengthens our commitment to providing world-class examinations and other assessment tools to protect the public, and animal health and welfare.
The world leader in veterinary assessments.
Provide world-class examinations and other assessment tools to protect the public, and animal health and welfare.
Provide leadership and facilitate collaboration throughout veterinary medicine.
ICVA’s current Strategic Plan.
*ICVA works with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) to score the exam and create and distribute the score report.
ICVA Staff
Board of Directors
The ICVA Board of Directors consists of 13 directors, each designated by one on the ICVA’s constituent organizations (AAVSB, AAVMC, AVMA COE, and the CNEB), and five at large directors. Directors serve three-year terms, and can serve a maximum of three terms. Terms begin at the close of the ICVA’s summer meeting.
The Executive Committee is composed of the ICVA BOD officers (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer), who serve one-year terms in office. The Board hires a CEO, who serves as the administrative officer of the ICVA.
Assessment Development Committee
Members of the ICVA’s Assessment Development Committee (ADC) are responsible for the main content areas of the NAVLE. Their duties include selecting and appointing NAVLE item writers each year and participating in item and form review meetings. Members are appointed by the ICVA to three-year terms and may serve for a maximum of three terms.
Academic Veterinary Assessment Committee
The AVAC’s mission is to enhance assessment literacy across the veterinary medical education continuum. As part of their mission and in collaboration with the ICVA Board of Directors, they fund a grant program for veterinary medical education assessment research and curate assessment and measurement resources specifically for veterinary medicine available for free on the ICVA website.