New Communication Skills Assessment Task Force Continues Research into Assessment Methods
Every 5-7 years the ICVA conducts a practice analysis to determine what veterinarians are asked to do once they first enter the profession in a clinical practice. From there an assessment strategy is created that serves as the blueprint for the NAVLE.
Communication Competency Assessment
The most recently NAVLE practice analysis revealed that communication is a very important competency for entry level veterinarians. The ICVA Board of Directors recognized a need to further explore how best to assess the competency of communications skills. They created the Communications Skills Task Force to identify methods of assessment that could provide sound scores for communication skills.
The Communications Skills Assessment task force consists of six total members, all of whom teach communications skills in veterinary schools across North America and have in-depth experience assessing communications:
Cindy L Adams MSW, PhD
Professor, Veterinary Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences
University of Calgary, Veterinary Medicine
Jack Wilson, DVM
Senior Professional Skills Instructor
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Calgary
Task Force Members:
Dr. Jason Coe – Ontario Veterinary College
Dr. Julie Cary – Washington State University
Dr. Jane Shaw – Colorado State University
Dr. Elpida Artemiou – Ross University